Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Year, New Me? Not Likely…

I’ve never been a person who has made resolutions. I don’t know if it’s never appealed to me or I thought I never needed them or perhaps it just never occurred to me. This year, inspired by a friend who made a list of (and accomplished all) “13 things to do in 2013,” I decided […]

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I Never Thought I’d Give Chicken First Aid

We can add “Give a chicken first aid” to the list of “Things I Never Thought I’d Do” but really, when you think about it, I should have known better when I signed up for this chicken-keeping adventure. After years of looking after a friend’s flock—sometimes for days or weeks on end—I thought I knew […]

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Guest Blog: How to Take the Best Pictures of Your Food While Traveling

Below are some tips from guest-blogger Courtney Gordner on how to take the best pictures of food while on vacation, gone for business meetings, or traveling just to travel. For me, taking pictures of food is important because it allows me to remember what I ate while I was traveling. More importantly, I can look […]

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When Life Gets in the Way

Oh. Hi. It’s been awhile since you last heard from me. I wanted to pop in briefly to let all the dedicated fans of B&OBH know that I have not abandoned writing this blog, but have been otherwise occupied. Where did I go? On May 4, 2013, my mother ended an epic battle (almost 14-years) […]

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Ramen For Grown Ups

The BF has extremely refined tastes. Which is why we recently picked up a case of ramen noodles on a Costco run. Since I refuse to allow him to eat an entire case of it, I’ve had to put my culinary thinking cap on to devise some tasty alternatives to help him in his quest […]

Denver Tries to Sleep With Alton Brown

So Alton Brown is kind of like one of The Beatles with a spatula. Or Justin Beiber in an apron. Seriously. And here’s why: Alton Brown makes housewives go crazy. He’s the culinary equivalent of a rock star. Brown stopped by The Tattered Cover, the only bookstore in Denver that matters really, last Thursday night […]


Asparagus & Sweet Peppers: Delightful Match!

I am a big fan of color–big fan. My couch is red, my hangers are lime green, the chairs on the porch are electric blue, and few clothes in my closet follow a neutral palette. So it’s no surprise that I also like colorful meals. Meals or dishes with lots of color have different flavors, […]

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Calorie Friendly Comfort Food

There’s something truly comforting about a bowl of soup and something even more comforting when that soup is covered with cheese. My mom has been making this easy French onion soup since I can remember. After my parents contentious divorce my dad would still get cravings for it–it’s that good. And while it’s neither complicated […]

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Inspiration for Aspiring Chefs

PB&J from Alinea Restaurant. Photo by Lara Kastner I have worked in restaurants but never ever in the back of the house. I don’t know that I have the necessary skills it takes to survive working the line, so I have the utmost respect for chefs and restaurateurs. Which is not to say hero-worship–not in […]

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Someone Else Makes Dinner For Me!

Even as someone who loves to cook, it is always a pleasant treat when a friend offers to make dinner for me (and smart thinking on the part of the friend as it means I will return the favor soon enough). When I’ve had a particularly stressful day, or a long week, or we just […]

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