You Are Exactly What You Eat

Generally, this website is reserved for recipes and other tips like pantry stocking or planning that are directly related to making meals. Today however, I leave you the video below. I know it is 22 minutes long. But I promise you, it is 22 worthy minutes. If it weren’t, I wouldn’t have placed it here.

Jamie Oliver–perhaps known to you as “The Naked Chef”–has been working on a “food revolution” for the past seven years. Many of the folks highlighted in the below talk come from a third generation of folks who have never cooked their own food. Ever.

When I started this blog, it was cheekily named “Bacon and Other Bad Habits.” I love bacon. There’s no doubt about that. But I also consciously eat healthily most of the time. Many of the recipes here reflect special diet restrictions. Vegans and folks who are gluten intolerant can find recipes here. Carnivores, Herbivores, Pescetarians can find food here.

I write and I cook for the same two reasons–I love to.

Perhaps you’re learning to cook and that’s why you’re here. Perhaps you are an excellent home cook and you love the tips, tricks, and recipe ideas we feature here. Frankly, today it doesn’t matter exactly why you’ve come here. Please, this is what I ask you to come away with

So I present you with a challenge:

Watch this. And please, teach someone how to cook. Even just one meal.

xoxo, Leah.

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