Monthly Archives: June 2010

Show Your Summer Head Cold No Mercy

photo courtesy of Kokoro Photography I realize it’s officially summer now, but unfortunately some of us are plagued by a typically winter infection, the most dreaded of all illnesses–the summer cold! The dastardly summer cold sneaks its way into the most active and unwilling of hosts, bringing the poor soul to his or her tanned […]

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Are You Going To Scarborough Fair?

So there I am, standing in a strange kitchen staring at what I have. I have chicken. I have tomatoes. I have decided to roast them but haven’t planned any farther.  Since I’m housesitting I open the spice cabinet to see what else might be at my disposal. And there they were, the four musical spices… […]

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Poached Pasta Perfection

This recipe is one of my favorites for go-to grub! It’s quick and easy and contains many ingredients that almost always live in my pantry. I like that I can make it for one or two (or seven if need be) and can easily add meat or other fresh veggies depending upon what I have […]

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One Hot Mess Of Veggies

As I said earlier this week, making salads can be a lot like making soup or pastas–you can throw together just about anything that tastes good!  There’s pasta salad, and fruit salad, and a bevy of options when it comes to any greens-based salad. But I have to admit that even I hadn’t thought of […]

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Sure It’s A Salad, But It Has Bacon Too!

I have no air conditioning.  The house I live inis a tiny place that was made for nuns. (Yes, really). It’s made of bricks and windows (thankfully). So in the summer, “cooking” takes on a whole new meaning for me–it means getting in and out of the kitchen without having to slave over a hot […]

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Soft Fish, Tough Veggie– Strong Partnership

Ugggggggh. Weekday slump. It’s been a week that’s been pretty ass-kicking mentally and pretty exhausting. So, for dinner options, the easier the better! This recipe is pretty rich in flavor and utilizes some simple fresh ingredients to pack a punch.  Dover sole is a light, flaky fish that almost literally melts in your mouth; the fennel bulb […]

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Operation Goodbye Gut: A Contest!

Hello June. Hello swimsuit. Hello pool parties. Hello gut. Grrr. Gut. I know it could be worse. People don’t (often) ask me if I’m pregnant. (I’m not, and yes, there have been one or two who have looked at my little round belly and asked). I have what is known as a “First World Problem.” […]

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