Monthly Archives: April 2010

Get Baked on a Friday Night

It’s Friday. No one wants to cook on Friday. The work week is over and you just want to hang out, or maybe go out. Here’s a really easy (but still healthy) dish that’s kid-friendly and time-sensitive. Sensitive to your valuable time, that is…

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Easy Peasy Chicken Roaster

One of the easiest (and cheapest) ways to feed a lot of people is with a whole chicken. It’s great if you have a group to feed or are trying to stretch your budget. It’s also a quick way to make healthy meals throughout the course of the week. Chicken tastes good as a leftover […]


Rapini On The Ready

Rapini–also known as broccoli raab, raap, or rabe–is a green similar to kale or turnip greens that adds beautiful color and texture to dishes. It melds well with the flavors it is combined with and is a great source of vitamins and minerals. You could easily substitute kale, turnip greens, collards, or another hearty green. […]

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One Hot Sweet Mess

Jalapeno poppers are pretty standard bar food to be sure. But I can distinctly recall the very first time a barmaid planted a basket of them in front of me with a side of jam. Yes, jam. Ranch dressing be damned! Nothing can beat that delicious feeling of hot and spicy combined with melted cheese […]

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Pantry Pasta

Every now and again I go on grocery strike. It usually happens after I open the cupboards and several somethings fall out onto my head. After a flurry of Turret’s, I vow to do some cooking with the items in my pantry and not add anything new until I’ve depleted some of the old stashes.This recipe […]

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