The Last Supper

What is your most favorite meal of all time? Is there a go-to dish you can’t live without? One that you could eat every day? A delicious food that, if given the choice, would be your last meal?

I have no idea what mine would be.
I’ll be having surgery on my esophagus in just over a week. What that really means is for the six weeks afterward I’ll be on a liquid diet. And tragically, not the kind where you just swill bourbon and hope for the best. I’ll be starting off with liquids only—chicken broth, plain yogurt, pudding. At the start of the third week I’ll graduate to soft fruits like melon and bananas, and will be able to eat rice and tofu and the mushiest of fishes. Finally, after six weeks I’ll be able to return to a normal diet and begin eating raw vegetables, meats, breads, and potatoes again.

I’m certain after a while we will start playing the “Will it Blend?” game and the BF will toss something in the blender which I will attempt to suck through a straw. Really, if there’s any one who is up to the challenge of figuring out what the hell to eat or how to make mush taste good, it’s me.

But since you’re not the one having surgery, you won’t be punished. Recipes will continue to go up in the month of August. They’ll be posts I’ve been too busy or lazy to do justice to until now, best-of-the-bests were we revisit dishes so amazing that they deserve a second look, and guest blogs where merchants of cool tell you stuff about things that are awesome. And I’ll likely whine about how I’d rather be eating any of that instead of slurping down my daily dose of Ensure.

In true diva fashion I’m throwing myself a “Last Supper” party the weekend before my surgery where I will gorge on anything and everything I can get my little hands on. So, if you have a last supper of your own to contribute, throw it out there. I’m down to eat pretty much anything in these final days before purgatory…

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