I Am What I Eat: The Last Meal

It’s fitting that on the eve of my surgery I found this gorgeous web-TV series called I AM WHAT I EAT. Fitting because the first episode is titled The Last Meal and after tomorrow I will be on a very limited diet of mostly liquids for the next six weeks. Fitting because I have spent the past week thinking about what my last solid meals should be. I have spent the last week gorging and over-stuffing myself with all the foods that my greedy little taste-buds can find.

I AM WHAT I EAT is a new project which aims to “distill how people live and use food to creatively express themselves” in each episode. In this first offering, I AM WHAT I EAT profiles Studiofeast, a company hosting pop-up dinners in New York. Studiofeat asked its diners, “If you were to die tomorrow, what would be your last meal?”

I AM WHAT I EAT episode 1 from erik shirai on Vimeo.

The creators of I AM WHAT I EAT share my philosophy. “Over food,” their website states, “we share not only our stories but also ourselves.” The filmmakers are about to embark upon filming episode two of the series—which will be set in Tokyo and details a cuisine eaten by monks where food becomes a form of meditation—and are seeking donations on the crowd-sourcing website Indiegogo. I realize the first episode may not be as resonant with you as it is for me, but the I AM WHAT I EAT project I think we can all agree is beyond worthwhile. You can donate to their efforts as I did by going to http://www.indiegogo.com/iamwhatieat.

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