One Pot Meals: Chicken Corn Chili

One pot meals. Yeah! What? Where’s your enthusiasm? All right, so you could accuse me of being lazy. That’s fine. Point your bony finger in my direction. Sometimes saving time is a lifesaver. I’m a busy girl. A gal on the go. That shouldn’t be shocking to you. So. Here we are. With a gorgeous cast iron dutch oven that just begs to have soups and stews made inside in a moment’s notice. And nothing is more satisfying after a long or stressful or frenetic day than being able to throw a decent and delicious meal together. So put that bony finger back on the top of your knife and let’s get cracking sassy britches…

Chicken Corn Chili
–TBSP olive oil
–white onion, coarsely chopped
–garlic, minced
–1 bell pepper, veined and de-seeded,
–ancho chili powder (1-2 TBSP depending on desired level of spicy)
–dried oregano
–ground cumin
–1 large boneless skinless chicken breast, chopped into 1″ pieces (or 2 breast fillets)
–1 15oz can diced tomatoes (in their juices)
–1 cup chicken broth
–8 oz frozen corn kernels
–chopped fresh cilantro
Heat a dutch oven or large pot over medium-high heat. When warm, add the olive oil and swirl to coat the bottom of the pan. Add the onion and garlic and sauté for a few minutes, stirring as needed to keep from sticking to the pan. Add the bell pepper and the dried spices and stir well to combine. Allow a few minutes for the spices to coat the veggie mix before adding the chicken. Stir regularly, as needed, to ensure the chicken is well cooked.

When the chicken is done, add the tomatoes and their juices and the chicken broth. Bring to a boil. Once boiling, add the corn kernels and turn the heat down to a simmer. If you’re in a hurry, cover the pot so the corn cooks faster and the chili reduces. Otherwise, allow to simmer for 20-30 minutes or until you are ready to eat. Serve in bowls and top with freshly chopped cilantro.
Dammit Jim, I’m not a doctor…
Serves: 4
Calories: 200 per serving

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