Tag Archives: shallots

Musician’s Meatless Mediterranean Meal

Picture the scene: In a post-holiday food coma world, three guys descend on my house. All musicians, all recording songs in my living room. Yes, songs. A new Beck album of sorts, Song Reader, recently dropped in December 2012. The package features 20 songs — never before recorded or released — as sheet music only. My houseful […]

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I Dream of Chicken Cakes

I have no idea when I may have first had chicken cakes. All I know is that, just like their crabby cousins, one bite was enough to sell me. For years my favorite brunch item was the Zippy Cake (image above) served by a local restaurant — a delicious meal made up of a crispy […]

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Poached Eggs + Baked Risotto = YUM

My most recent obsession is finding new ways (or at least new-to-me ways) of preparing and eating eggs. Eggs—a protein which once seemed so simple—have now become a medium to experiment with. If you didn’t already know, for the past few years I’ve been helping a friend keep chickens. Now that I regularly eat farm […]

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Church Ladies n’ Chicken Salad

In my granny’s time, having the best chicken salad at the church potluck was a social must to show all the others who the lord Himself would choose to dine with, if given the chance. The dish of choice for ladies luncheons and bridge clubs since the dawn of ladies luncheons and bridge clubs, chicken […]

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