Tag Archives: leah charney

Texas Lasagna Isn’t Lasagna At All

I’ve discovered one of those culinary mysteries of the universe. The most common I think would be the seemingly age-old discussion of why hot dogs and hot dog buns do not come in the same sized packages. But this newest enigma might be part of the new corn conspiracies: Why can you buy flour tortillas […]

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Grillin’ It Is Akin to Killin’ It

Big changes have been afoot over here at Bacon HQ. You’ll be reading this recipe on the shiny new website on the shiny new web-server. Oooooh, aaaahhhh. And a lot of work was done on the house that I won’t bore you with (except to say that new homeowners get excited about weird shit y’all, […]

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Bacon Is Meat Candy When Candied

Do you know what’s better than bacon? Candied bacon. Do you know how you candy bacon? You add sugar of course! I mean, okay, I didn’t say “Do you know what’s better for you than bacon…” did I? No. And with the addition of cream cheese and pastry crust this isn’t exactly the healthiest recipe […]

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Pasta With A Pinch Of Pine Nuts

Pine nuts (or pinon seeds) were once a hot trading commodity in Colorado and New Mexico. While times (and currencies) have changed, pine nuts still remain a pricey little taste of heaven. I buy mine in bulk to help curb costs and to allow me to have pine nuts to use at my disposal whenever […]

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Toasty Buns=Tasty Brunch

Brioche is delicious, let’s start there. I have a hard time imagining anything made from eggs and butter wouldn’t be tasty, for obvious reasons. Some of the best French toasts I’ve ever had were made with brioche. But brioche is also hard to come by, unless you happen to live down the street from a […]

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This Casserole Is All Growed Up, Just Like You

Broccoli cheese casserole is one of those truly brilliant comfort foods; mostly because its covered in cheese. I think for most of us it was a sneaky yet tasty way for our parents to try and get us to eat broccoli as kids. Unfortunately, most recipes for the dish aren’t very healthy. Think of this […]

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A Mexican Favorite With An Italian Touch

John Trujillo taught me how to make fajitas over a bar counter. I never set foot in the kitchen of the restaurant he owned for 20+ years but I spent a lot of time sitting at the bar. His daughter was a good friend of mine in high school–still is–and so many afternoons were spent […]

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Chili To Feed The Masses (Or Just You!)

Mmm, chili. I know football season–classic chili time–is over, but screw the seasons. You should eat chili any time you want. Because it’s delicious. (Sorry, I’ve been watching a lot of Parks & Recreation lately so I may be channeling a little Ron Swanson there). So delicious in fact, that when the BF and I […]

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Plans Change, Tasty Results Ensue

I bought already-shelled pomegranate seeds–and if you’ve ever slaved away at unlocking a pomegranate you’ll understand why. And I was super excited. Because they’re pomegranate seeds–and if you’ve ever slaved away at unlocking a pomegranate you’ll understand why. Oh, I had such grand plans for those pomegranate seeds–heating them over a dry skillet so they […]

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Hold Me Closer Tiny Burger

You know what’s awesome about sliders? They’re just tiny versions of something tasty! Sliders have such mass appeal that next to the regular hamburger and hot dog buns, you can now purchase tiny buns too. Sliders are a great way to portion control and also stretch your budget. You can make a pound of ground […]

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