Ahh springtime, known for cleaning of closets and of blogs. Seriously. You wouldn’t believe how many posts are just sitting here, waiting for me to write them if I would only make the time. Like this one of these delicious bacon chocolate chip cookie bars! This recipe is my go-to “Crap, I’m supposed to bring something and I need to leave in an hour” pick so these cookies get made (but not photographed) often.
The base recipe is actually the Tollhouse cookie recipe, minus nuts, plus bacon. Baking at altitude here in the beautiful Colorado Rocky Mountains is a bitch. When you find a recipe that works, you stick with it, even if it isn’t yours, and the Tollhouse recipe never fails. Mama always said you can’t improve upon perfection, right? Mama also always said cite your source. So, source cited, thank you Tollhouse. However, um, I don’t use their chips for these cookie bars (sorry Nestle!) because I prefer dark chocolate, especially as a compliment to the salty smoky bacon.
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