Tag Archives: leah charney

Someone Else Makes Dinner For Me!

Even as someone who loves to cook, it is always a pleasant treat when a friend offers to make dinner for me (and smart thinking on the part of the friend as it means I will return the favor soon enough). When I’ve had a particularly stressful day, or a long week, or we just […]

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Country Christmas Classic: Collards

My mama (a southern belle through and through) changes up our Christmas meal every year. Last year it was lamb, ham the year before that, and this year we will be treated to prime rib (mmm!). But one thing never changes–there will be some seriously southern side dishes. For many, southern side dishes automatically conjure […]

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I Confess, I’m A Sweet Potato Stalker

Sometimes I get crushes on restaurants and like any good school girl, I stalk their menus. The problem with having crushes on restaurants is that menus can change, leaving the menu-lover sitting in the rain á la every John Cusack movie made from 1985-2000. My newest crush is on a restaurant around the corner from my […]

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Don’t Go South For Winter, Just Go South of the Border

All cooks find inspiration somewhere. I read a lot of other food blogs and subscribe to recipe feeds. One of my favorite finds is from Whole Foods Market. While I don’t always follow their recipe true to course, sometimes something they feature gets my brain into thinking along a path. This recipe is *almost* what […]

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Dear Breakfast, I Love You

Tip for making breakfast: Cook stuff you like. I happen to like goat cheese and portabella mushrooms. My BF would disagree (he can’t stand goat cheese) and would vote for Swiss cheese and broccoli. Conveniently both of these are great breakfast choices when gently encased in a fluffy egg exterior. Omelettes people, omelettes. (Or perhaps […]

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I’m Not Julia Child, But Who Is?

In Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Julia Child writes, “As is the case with most famous dishes, there are more ways than one to arrive at a good bouef bourguigon.” I’ve never actually cooked any of Julia’s famous recipes nor do I own any of her famous cookbooks (though Christmas is coming up *wink*wink*) […]

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Sick of Turkey? Pot-Pie It.

Ugh, I am so full. But there is still a LOT of food in the refrigerator and there comes a time when one simply cannot bear the thought of eating the same (albeit delicious) meal again. And that is the time when I remember the adage they taught us in elementary school, “Recycle-Reuse-Reduce.” Mashed potatoes […]

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Bon Anniversaire Bacon & Other Bad Habits!

Logo courtesy of Simply Fabulous Gosh, has it really been a year? And yet, simultaneously, has it only been a year?It’s hard to believe that it was over a year ago when I was making bacon toffee cookie bars in my kitchen and had the epiphany moment. I decided then, fingers covered in dough, house […]

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Cookies Made of Air…And Pecans

I somehow feel that cookie monster would be proud of these little sweets. I’ve been trying to branch out more with baking. I just feel like I’m not so good at measuring and being exact; baking has so many rules and I’ve never been good at following rules. Also, it seems that cow dairy products […]

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Think Pink (Salt) For Your Potatoes

It wasn’t that long ago that there was just plain ole table salt. The famous jug with the girl in the rain slicker comes to mind, pushing her iodized and non-iodized versions. But then there was also Kosher salt, which only chefs and those minding Kashrut seemed to know about. And then along came sea […]

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